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When it comes to hypnotherapy, the first questions on everyone’s mind are: “Should I consider hypnotherapy?” and “Will I be able to be hypnotized?” These are both very frequently asked questions when I tell others I'm a hypnotherapist. Unlike what you

We are all losing our patience with the year 2020, with no idea of knowing when we can get back to a sense of “normal.” Several people are stuck at home in quarantine, and many more have been working this

Many who work in healthcare work long hours, and sometimes they even work for extended periods without days off. Whether they are a nurse or a doctor or a surgeon, they all work hard to ensure we are cared for

Your employees are the backbone of your company. While you may think they are most likely your largest expense, if you care for them properly, they can actually be your biggest asset and investment. Taking care of your employees as

Are you a new mom looking at having a home birth this year? While there is nothing wrong with planned medical births at the hospital (nor should they be replaced all of the time with home births; for example, you’re

The current pandemic has certainly changed the we live our everyday lives. It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep—sleep becomes more elusive when we are anxious. Many people are