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Are you dealing with chronic pain? Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? If you answered yes to both those questions, let me ask one more: have you considered trying hypnotherapy? When it works alongside your own mind's abilities, there's a

When you are a smoker, aside from breathing, blinking, or walking, what else do you do 15-20 times a day? Put a cigarette to your mouth. Did you know on average during the five minutes a cigarette is lit, a typical

Are you finding your grocery bill keeps rising, even though what you buy stays the same? Are you worried about how you’re going to be able to eat if it keeps going up? Are you dealing with some debt issues with

Are you finding barriers between you and your professional goals? What lies between where you are and where you wish to be in your business? What is holding you back from obtaining these goals and getting to where you wish

Menopause. That time when women say, “Hooray! No more periods!” However, there's also the hot flashes and night sweats… Between ages 45-55, the average “reaching” age being 51, many women will experience menopause. About one in one hundred women may experience

When thinking of what makes a good hypnotherapist, it's best if you as the practicing student first think of yourself from the perspective of a potential client.  What would you look for if you were searching for a hypnotherapist? Hypnotherapy is an