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Smoking Cessation

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When you are a smoker, aside from breathing, blinking, or walking, what else do you do 15-20 times a day? Put a cigarette to your mouth. Did you know on average during the five minutes a cigarette is lit, a typical

Do you find yourself staring at your phone more than you should, even into the early hours of the morning? Perhaps you accidentally maxed out a credit card because you just had to have an entire collection of memorabilia, or

Many who work in healthcare work long hours, and sometimes they even work for extended periods without days off. Whether they are a nurse or a doctor or a surgeon, they all work hard to ensure we are cared for

If you’re a smoker and worried about the risks around COVID-19, then now would be a good time to think about quitting for good. It’s a harsh reality that if you’re a smoker, you’re more likely to get acute respiratory infections

New Year’s resolutions are goals we set for ourselves. The New Year = new me mind mentality has lasted since the Babylonians first started using them 4,000 years ago. Unfortunately it’s very common to see people nowadays fail to accomplish their