Hypnosis Heals Medical Students: A Review of the Impact of Hypnosis
There is science behind hypnosis and its positive effects on the mind, even on the immune system. One review in particular was done at the start of this very century, which brought to light a call to action to invest in
Hypno-what? All About HypnoDontics: Hypnosis for Dentistry
If you’ve ever seen the word HypnoDontics and said “Hypno-what?”, this is what it’s all about. HypnoDontics is a hypnosis technique that applies controlled suggestion and/or complete hypnosis to the practice of dentistry. It’s not necessarily eliminating analgesia or anesthesia
What is Bruxism/TMJ and How Can Hypnotherapy Help?
Before we dive into the hypnotherapy part, let’s talk about what bruxism and TMJ are first for clarity’s sake. Bruxism is a medical condition distinguished by jaw clenching and grinding of the teeth, especially while sleeping. Continual grinding and clenching
What is S.A.D. and How Can Hypnotherapy Help?
S.A.D. stands for seasonal affective disorder, or “winter depression” as it is most often known. In rare cases people may also have reverse S.A.D. or “summer depression”, but for this article we will focus on the winter form of S.A.D.,
Types of Depression that Hypnotherapy Can Help Heal
What exactly is depression? It is when a person has a low mood for a long time, which makes it difficult to function during everyday activities. It can affect someone in different ways, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe
How to Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy in the New Year
New Year’s resolutions are goals we set for ourselves. The New Year = new me mind mentality has lasted since the Babylonians first started using them 4,000 years ago. Unfortunately it’s very common to see people nowadays fail to accomplish their
How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Every year we make a New Year’s resolution; it’s a tradition that’s lasted for millennia. The most popular New Year’s resolutions people tend to make to this day include: Get fit and lose weight Be more organized in work/life in
How to Ease Anxiety & Stay Calm & Mindful During the Holidays
The holiday season can be a stressful time of year, especially if you are prone to getting anxious. It doesn’t help that there are so many potential triggers that can cause anxiety; the holidays are full of activities to plan,
5 Ways to Practice the Abundance Mindset Along with Hypnotherapy
The abundance mindset can be achieved through the help of hypnotherapy, as I have mentioned in my previous article Abundance Via Hypnotherapy: It's Not Just a State of Mind. There are some things you can do alongside your hypnotherapy sessions
Why Diets Don’t Work & How Hypnotherapy Can Aid Weight Loss
The word ‘diet’ has several meanings. One can go on a “diet” for medical reasons, such as the DASH diet or a diet to help with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Most of us refer to diets as those