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How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions | Healing Soul Hypnosis

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Every year we make a New Year’s resolution; it’s a tradition that’s lasted for millennia. The most popular New Year’s resolutions people tend to make to this day include:

  • Get fit and lose weight
  • Be more organized in work/life in general
  • Save money, spend less
  • Quit smoking
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Eat less sugar/carbs
  • Enjoy life and welcome new experiences
  • Find love/a relationship
  • Travel more

The biggest goal of any New Year’s resolution is to better yourself in one way or another. What most people don’t realize however is how they set themselves up for failure when making these goals. If you truly wish to follow through with your goals, hypnotherapy can help. It can allow you to improve your outlook and motivation to achieve these resolutions with full confidence.

Why are We Automatically Set Up for Failure When it Comes to New Year’s Resolutions?

Businesses bank on our need to fulfill New Year’s resolutions. Around the end of November and almost all of December, we start to see advertising to attract you to change something about yourself or add something to your life. It could be a new gym opening up in your area; maybe a new “diet” pill or trend; airline ads; cruise ads; products that help organize your home…the list goes on.

One study shows that 78% of people failed to stick to their New Year’s Resolutions. Why?

Part of the issue is that people want an external reason or excuse to reinvent themselves, which is why these resolutions begin in the New Year. This causes us to become overambitious and unrealistic with the hype surrounding the New Year to try and kick us into gear, indicating we may not be able to do the hard work that is needed to change.

Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology who has studied New Year’s Resolutions, has found from conducting several surveys that people who failed to stick to their New Year’s resolutions relied on willpower alone; they suppressed their cravings, fantasized about being successful, and thought about the negativity of failure.

As we know, this way of thinking does not work in the long term. Thinking about failure alone is enough to deter anyone from making a New Year’s resolution in the first place, and it can create a downward depressing spiral when it does actually happen. Willpower is not enough to obtain any goal, even a realistic one.

Mistakes are an important part of life, including obtaining goals. Life isn’t easy, and we have to work to obtain any goals we set for ourselves. When making New Year’s resolutions, we don’t take into account that we actually have to do the work and there may be bumps along the way.

If you want to make a goal, don’t wait until the New Year to try and obtain it, and don’t be overambitious or unrealistic.

Hypnotherapy is Your New Year’s Resolution Tool to Help Stick to Your Goals

Hypnosis delves into your subconscious to plant positive thoughts and suggestions, which can create meaningful and lasting changes in your thought process. Hypnosis replaces the old with the new. Changing your thinking will change your beliefs, fears, desires, habits, and anything that creates resistance when achieving new things.

It is not a passive process. You are actively participating by communicating your goals and what has previously held you back in the past. These goals are to be truly yours, no matter what you desire to obtain or achieve. If you are trying to satisfy social pressure, then hypnotherapy will not help you. The process is about you, your cooperation, your consent, and your participation.

While in a relaxed state of mind, new information can make its way into the subconscious which transforms old beliefs and thought patterns. For example, if your current thought patterns are “Healthy food is boring,” and “Exercise is too much work,” then your subconscious will find a way to reassert and create those negative experiences for you. Once something has been established in the subconscious mind it will remain there until it is replaced by something else. The longer it has been there, the more resistance to change. By undergoing hypnotherapy, you will in turn replace such beliefs with more positive suggestions, such as “I enjoy eating a variety of nutritious foods,” which then becomes your new belief and new experience.

Hypnotherapy helps to change your subconscious resistance, and redirects your mind toward the goals you wish to obtain. Keep in mind that the only way in which these goals are obtainable is if they are realistic, and you yourself truly wish to obtain them.

If you would like some assistance to stick to your New Year’s resolutions this year, give me a call. I’d be more than happy to help you improve your life for the better, not only for the New Year but all year round and beyond.

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