Benefits of Learning Self-Hypnosis and Autosuggestion - Healing Soul Hypnosis
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Benefits of Learning Self-Hypnosis and Autosuggestion | Healing Soul Hypnosis

Benefits of Learning Self-Hypnosis and Autosuggestion

Have you ever wondered if you can hypnotize yourself? I’m not talking about your stage hypnosis, entertainment type either. Self-hypnosis can be an effective way to improve overall well-being to manage stress and anxiety, through self-healing.

“But what is self-hypnosis?” you ask. It is an individual practice, involving you to become highly focused and absorbed in your experience while giving yourself positive suggestions about ways to reach your goals.

Another self-healing technique is autosuggestion, training your subconscious mind to help achieve the goal that you chose for yourself. This technique normally occurs through verbal affirmation or an image you repeatedly summon in your head.

We’ll talk more about autosuggestion below. For now, why not explore these 13 benefits of learning self-hypnosis?

1. Relieve Stress

When we have stress in our lives, we tend to tense up physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Self-hypnosis helps relieve the tension, relaxing the nerves, calming the mind, helping you to let go.

2. Increase Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Trust

When you are in your subconscious mind, you can access the information and power part of your Higher Self. 

With this connection to your higher self, feelings of loneliness, and helplessness can be erased. 

3. Increase Emotional Intelligence and Empathic Ability

Through self-hypnosis, you start to discover your own emotional strengths, thus increasing your emotional intelligence and empathic ability, figuring out how they work and what motivates them. You will gain new perspectives on your life and how you and your personality functions. 

4. Improve Focus and Problem-Solving Ability

When in the self-hypnosis state, you have clear focus, and can think decisions over more clearly, helping to strengthen your decision-making process and promote positive thinking. 

5. Help Maintain Internal Balance and Serenity

Self-hypnosis can help you maintain your inner balance and Serenity. When you become aware of your suppressed emotions restricting ideas, you can then set them free. 

This way, you pull away from your emotional pain, suffering, release your emotional baggage, worries, and leave yourself experiencing inner calm, tranquility, and balance. This state of balance is all courtesy of your subconscious mind. 

6. Bring Positive Feelings: Joy, Freedom, Etc.

Positive energies within you are brought up with self-hypnosis, positive feelings of joy, happiness, and freedom. When you let go of negative energy and limiting ideas, you have room for positive thoughts and emotions. 

7. Clear Understanding of Life’s Purpose and Improve Self-Awareness

Your subconscious puts you in awareness with your spiritual goals, using self-hypnosis to guide you. 

Through your subconscious, you feel the energies that lead to your innermost spiritual goals to gain a brighter picture of your purpose. Self-management and self-awareness will improve with you growing a deeper perspective on yourself and those who surround you. 

8. Improve Relationships

Self-hypnosis can be an effective way to help you conquer personality traits and behaviours that affect your ability to connect with others and cause tension with friends, family, and romantic partners. 

9. Boost Spiritual Development

Contacting your divine self, your spiritual core, has never been simpler than self-hypnosis. It silences your mind enough to delve into your intimate self where your reflective treasures are.

Here is where some find the wisdom to solve their most difficult issues, and for others, make them feel safe and protected as if they have a blanket of tranquility and inner light draped around them. 

10. Improve Sleep

Self-hypnosis helps your body relax, and release tension which is key to a good night’s sleep. You will also develop better breathing habits, improving the flow of air and oxygen to your body, which helps you get a deeper sleep, and waking up more rested and refreshed. 

11. Strengthen Immune System and Natural Analgesic

Anxiety damages our immune system because of stressful situations causing our body to produce negative chemicals in our body. Our immune system over time loses its healing capabilities, however, you can reverse these effects through self-hypnosis and improve your overall health. 

While in a state of hypnosis, you can be naturally alleviated from pain and discomfort because your body benefits from a physical state of analgesia (pain relief). 

12. Improve Way of Thinking and Assist Goal Achievement

Self-hypnosis flicks on the subconscious mind, as a result, it can change the way you think for the better, successfully increasing your self-esteem, boosting your self-confidence, helping you become more positive and creative, help you to believe in yourself and reduce your worries. 

When we have goals, we wish to accomplish, these things can become barriers. Self-hypnosis can help readjust our mindset to remove the barriers and make the goals attainable.

13. Help Break Bad Habits

Bad habits can be a real nuisance in everyday life and tough to break. Self-hypnosis can replace major subconscious messages that lead to these bad habits, with positive messages that will give you the mental strength and determination to make the change and break the habit. 

Self-hypnosis can be a great tool in your self care toolbox when dealing with any of these goals and more. It can empower us and help keep us balanced. You don’t need to be a guru or great master; all it takes is patience and practice. 

3 Ways to Make Autosuggestion Work for You

We’ve learned about self-hypnosis. Now let’s look at autosuggestion. 

We know that achieving our goals can be done through changing the way we think. It’s really that simple. This is the premise of autosuggestion. The direct link between us and the ability to become everything we want. 

So, how do we make autosuggestion work?

1. Practice Often

We’ve been stuck in our thought patterns for years, since we were children. To undo these patterns that no longer serve us, we must practice as often as possible. The bare minimum is a repetition in the morning as soon as you wake up, a repetition in the evening before bed and 4-5 repetitions through the day at various times. That being said, the more often you practice, the better. 

2. With Feeling

The emotion behind the feelings brings about the feeling. For example, if you are constantly feeling angry WHILE thinking angry thoughts, you will bring anger into your life. The same applies to all emotions. With what you wish to achieve, put your feeling and emotion into what you would feel when you’ve achieved, imagining the feeling and incorporating that into your thought. 

3. Write Your Autosuggestion 

When something pops into your head, a goal or something you wish to achieve, you may feel that’s the only place it exists, and it doesn’t feel real. If you physically write it down on a piece of paper and read it repeatedly, it creates this physicality, making it more real in your head. Doing so also gives you a reminder and placing it somewhere you can see repeatedly also is a bonus. Every time you see it, read it with conviction that it will come into achievement.

I hope you find these benefits and this article useful. If you’d like to learn more about autosuggestion and self-hypnosis, contact me today.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Healing Soul Hypnosis and a clickable link back to this page.

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