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How to Improve Your Relationship and Have Better Sex with Hypnotherapy | Healing Soul Hypnosis

How to Improve Your Relationship & Have Better Sex with Hypnotherapy

Did you have a fight with your partner recently? Have things between you two felt tense, or just awkward?

We as people are complicated human beings. Having a relationship in the best of times isn’t easy, let alone during the worst of times. Not to mention dealing with relationship conflicts and dating confidence is challenging for any human being.

You are not alone. Hypnotherapy can help with relationships.

“But what about sex?” you may be asking yourself. And are you having troubles in the bedroom? Yes, as it turns out, hypnotherapy can help with that too.

If we think about it, having the best sex comes from deep within our subconscious to bring calm and connection. 

Start Simple with Your Relationship Recovery and Rebuilding

Strengthening existing relationships takes hard work; no one said it would be easy. But there are some simple things you can do to start.

  • Celebrate differences – To appreciate each other, you can write a list of positive differences between you. 
  • No criticisms/put downs – When there are concerns between you, or criticisms, say something funny instead. Your partner will be caught off guard, and they may even laugh. The important thing is to break the tension. 
  • Cuddle – No expectations. Find a specific time of day for this purpose if you have to.
  • Dream Encouragement – Encourage each other to fulfill your dreams. When you feel free, you feel happy. 
  • Listen – Listening to what your partner has to say, truly making that conscious effort, and ensuring they know you understand you’re there for them not only deepens the connection but also helps them reciprocate when you need it from them. 

Along with these simple starting points, you may want to consider hypnotherapy for the more serious and deeper issues. That’s because it can help to change thinking patterns, behaviours, and outcomes. 

Relationship hypnotherapy can help you and your partner:

  • Effectively handle your negative emotions
  • Experience increased communications with those around you
  • Reclaim your feelings of love, passion, and romance
  • Create resilient relationships toward your glowing future

We desire connection, intimacy, and conversation. As social beings, it is no surprise that when we have any kind of relationship issue, we become deeply affected by it. 

Our emotions are attached whether platonic or romantic, and this makes conflict complicated. Experiences we see and have when we’re growing up affect our relationships as we become adults. This means we can be subconsciously affected by past events, learning unhelpful behaviours due to these past experiences. 

Hypnotherapy is a tool we can use to help support and develop new ways of thinking and help to figure out why we feel and act the way we do. 

How Hypnosis Helps with Relationship Conflicts

As previously mentioned, relationships aren’t easy. They take work, and as we know, there are conflicts, which are perfectly normal. 

An honest conversation is the best place to start when conflict arises. This is where you may uncover hidden tensions or resentments that push frequent conflict. Hypnotherapy is a good support if you feel like there may be some repeating patterns.

When we argue, we can repeat certain patterns, and feel like we’ve had the same argument over and over again. These can stem from our subconscious and may be something internally our younger selves are battling. 

Hypnotherapy can help with getting to the root of the conflict and determine if any patterns of behaviour are stored in your subconscious that may be contributing. If patterns are found, I can offer suggestions and encourage positive new ways of thinking.  

Through hypnotherapy, you can also learn to cope and manage difficult emotions, build confidence, and learn to ask for what you need, which is important in any relationship. 

How Hypnotism Helps Build Dating Confidence

No matter if you are coming out of a relationship or have been single for a while, dating is intimidating. Meeting new people, being open, and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable can be difficult. Self-confidence can be a struggle, and you may find yourself putting up barriers without realizing so as to not let anyone in. 

While dating, it is essential to have a strong sense of self-belief, to “sell” ourselves, so to speak. Having confidence allows you to feel certain while knowing what you wish and deserve, without settling for less. Hypnotherapy helps to reframe any negative or limiting beliefs you may have about yourself into positive ideas boosting confidence and self-belief. 

Hypnotherapy and Sexual Intimacy

When you think of hypnotherapy, does sex come to mind? 

Ask yourself this: “What is the most important thing that influences my quality of life?” 

Some might say, finances, education, religion, or perhaps their health. 

The quality of our relationships, and more specifically, our intimate relationships are what really influences the quality of our lives. When we are in trusting, respectful, supportive relationships, we flourish as individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Some of our issues in the bedroom can stem from:

  • Low libido
  • Performance anxiety
  • Impotence/erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Dyspareunia (painful sex)
  • Vaginismus (the body’s instinctive reaction to the anxiety of some or all types of vaginal penetration)
  • Sex addiction
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Unwanted sexual tendencies
  • Fertility issues

Further into these can be body image issues, sexual self-awareness issues, and sexual conflicts. 

At some point during their life, many people will experience some form of sexual difficulties. But this is where we shouldn’t become discouraged, but rather take the time to communicate, assess, seek help and not only better your relationship but your sexual prowess as well. 

Hypnotherapy can help with any issues that may be putting a damper on your sex life. If you need help delving through root causes and supporting healing, I am here for you. 

Once any issues are healed, we can create a deeper connection. As we know, relationships aren’t always just about the act of sex itself, but the love and intimacy that accompanies, which enhances our physical and emotional health as an individual. 

A great sex life has a wide variety of health benefits including cardiovascular exercise, producing pleasure-inducing hormones like oxytocin, and even pain-relieving hormones which can help us forget negative thoughts, or temporarily lessen back pain, neck pain, or other physical discomforts we may have. Frequent and pleasurable sex has said to lead to longer and healthier lives, fewer hospitalizations, and less medications.

How can hypnotherapy help me have better sex?

Hypnotherapy can help deepen the sexual connection, whether it be with a current partner or to help strengthen any personal issues/desires. 

Without any sort of drugs or substance, hypnotherapy can rewire our inner messaging, freeing our minds from negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones. Our mind-body connection is a powerful one. Once you free your mind from self-criticizing thoughts, you can then focus on the positive experiences, and in this case, mind-blowing sexual experiences. 

We can repair, enhance, and improve our relationships and even have a better sex life with hypnotherapy. 

If you have any questions, I can help. At Healing Soul Hypnosis, I’ve truly helped transform lives for the better, in and out of the bedroom, while providing a safe space to discuss any questions and concerns about hypnotherapy for relationships. Contact me today if you’d like to learn more. 

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Healing Soul Hypnosis and a clickable link back to this page.

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