Starting Strong: Hypnosis Tools to Propel Your New Year Ahead
New Year’s Resolutions, anyone? For some people, it’s frustrating being asked if you have made any resolutions or goals for the new year.
Why? Well, for one, we make these goals only to crash and burn partway through the year. For another, being asked in the first place is exhausting, let alone trying to keep up with trying to accomplish a “resolution” that many of us actually set that isn’t realistically attainable for us.
We are set up for failure because of the hype. We get into a mindset where “So-and-so is doing it, so I’m going to do this too.” What you may not realize is that this so-and-so is either full of it or really knows how to follow their goals.
This guide is not about so-and-so. This is about YOUR journey, YOUR goals, and YOUR year.
Do you really want to start strong this year, and achieve some great goals? Let’s do this!
New Tools for A New Year
There are two things I want to highlight before I go into further detail. One of those is goal setting. Goal setting involves forming a plan of action designed to motivate and guide you toward a goal. Goals are supposed to be more purposeful than a momentary intention. Goal setting means you’ve committed thought, emotion, and behaviour towards conquering your goal. Setting the goal deadline and making an action plan working backwards to ensure it comes to fruition.
The other thing I’d like to mention is changing mindset using hypnosis. If you’re not familiar with hypnosis, the easiest way to describe it is a trance or dream-like state of relaxation which allows your subconscious to be open to the power of suggestion. Hypnosis allows for focus and clarity for long-lasting changes showing beneficial results which last into the future. When you are open to possibility, and willing to do the work toward change, your goals are within reach.
Let hypnosis be your primary tool offering you a strong start to propel your new year ahead. Below are some more tools you can use to aid in your goal setting plans, for a strong start to the new year.
Harness Hypnosis’ Goal Setting Power
Goal setting is an important part of our lives whether it’s for professional or personal reasons.
Direction and Focus: These guide you to where you want to be, creating a roadmap. It helps you with where to shift your focus.
Providing Motivation and Inspiration: When goals are set that support your values, you’re more motivated and inspired to work towards achieving these goals. Even when problems come your way, you navigate them. When you set your goals, you look at what potential obstacles might come up and how you can overcome them.
Increase Accountability: When you have something specific you’d like to do or achieve, you are more likely to focus and work towards it. You can set clear timelines for when you’d like to achieve your goals.
How Hypnosis Can Help Set Realistic and Achievable Goals
Goal setting is not as easy as it may seem, many people have internal obstacles preventing them from setting important goals. Hypnosis is effective when it comes to eliminating these internal obstacles, which in turn, helps to eliminate the external ones too.
Manifesting Life Desires Using a Vision Board
Whether you recruit your family and friends to help you make your masterpiece or make it alone, vision boards are a fun activity that has exciting potential to tap into your creative side, influence your life and attract your utmost desires.
What is a vision board?
Vision, or dream boards are physical manifestations of your goals. They are one of the best ways to put the Law of Attraction and manifestation into practice.
What goes into creating a vision board is more than cutting out pictures from magazines and putting together a collage. It’s the process of creation, a powerful tool in visualization that helps narrow down your desires through choice. While setting clear goals and intentions, the Law of Attraction magnetizes and attracts you to the chances you need to turn these dreams into reality.
How do vision boards work?
Choosing not just a photo of any house to put on your vision board, but exactly what you are looking for in a dream home, and the clarity of visual details will drive you towards reaching that goal of getting your dream home.
Can you picture it? See the front door in your mind, walk through the hallway, into your brand new kitchen, smell dinner cooking on the stove.
Visualization, which is as powerful as the action itself, is when you see yourself living in the dream home using all of your senses and invoking a strong emotional connection your thoughts will put out that vibration to begin to bring it into reality.
When you create a vision board, you need it placed in a spot where you will actually SEE it. Daily. This trains your mind, body, and spirit to manifest your desires through consistent visualization.
What needs to be included in a vision board?
Plan: Ask the following questions and consider what you’d like your board to communicate and what you want it to look like:
- What desires or goals do I want to present on my vision board?
- Think about: values, career goals, family life, love life, health and wellness, how free time is spent, what you wish to learn or how you wish to grow, make note of your answers before choosing your images for your board.
- Do I want one board or multiple for different areas of my life?
- What type of images (printed or actual photos, or a combination of both)? Where will they be sourced from? – sources: newspapers and magazines, images or quotes printed from the internet, Pinterest board, photographs, pages from a book, brochures/pamphlets/flyers.
- Choose your style of vision board: messy collage or tidy columns. If you are more of a spreadsheet kind of person, a tidy column vision board may be more your style. Messy collages are for those who don’t mind imperfect cutouts, overlapping things, getting glue accidentally on their shirt.
- Stickers, anyone? If you have a chance to add any embellishments to your board, this is your decorative chance. Sticker fiends unite. Affirmations lettered in, flowered washi tape border. The creativity is all up to you.
Supply Buy: If you don’t already own the supplies to create your vision board, a trip to your local thrift stores, dollar stores are a good start for basic supplies (no breaking the bank on this one).
Set up your space: Think of your vision board like a ritual. A moment of self-care, focusing your energy on attracting your deepest desires into your life.
- Find a quiet space where you can be uninterrupted, where you can really focus on this project for a few hours. Set out your supplies, and double check everything you need is nearby.
- If you are not scent sensitive, diffusing essential oils that ground you or incense will give a welcoming and soothing energy to your experience.
- Turn on those tunes; if there is something that really grabs your soul, brings you comfort and peace, play it. Music is one of the easiest ways to raise your vibration. My favourite is some of the 528Hz music on YouTube and Insight Timer.
- If you need a moment to meditate or say a prayer, take a moment to sit in silence, check-in with how you’re feeling, and let go of your worries for the day, set your intention and ask for clarity and guidance. “I tell you ask, and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and everyone who seeks, finds; and to everyone who knocks the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-13)
Creation Time: Let creativity take over. Whether simple and literal or complicated and metaphorical, your board will shine. Your images should reflect your desires. You should feel a deep positive connection to your desires when you are looking at the images on your board.
After Creation: Place your board where you will see it daily. Make a routine of taking 10 minutes each day to look at it, reflect on why you chose each image and revisit the feelings of joy and gratefulness of eventually having those desires in your life.
Join me at the end of January for a vision board event. If you want more information and want to be added to the waitlist, email me at info@healingsoulhypnosis.com.
Hypnosis For Self-Care
Self-care typically brings to mind an image of beach getaways or luxurious spa massages, but a strong self-care practice on a day-to-day basis will keep you grounded and healthy. These include exercise, proper sleep hygiene, good eating habits and other healthy lifestyle choices.
Hypnotherapy is an essential habit to include in your self-care toolbox. Hypnosis for self-care taps into your subconscious mind to help create changes to your mental, physical, and emotional health.
Improve Sleep: Sleep is important for our mental and physical health, without it, we can be vulnerable to issues like anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more. Hypnosis helps you fall asleep faster so you can spend more time in REM (rapid eye movement) slow-wave or deep sleep. When you have a better quality of sleep, your body is better able to repair and heal itself after hard days or periods of illness.
Pain Management: When you struggle with chronic pain or illness self-care is a necessity, and pain control is one area where hypnosis for self-care shines. Hypnosis can help aid in pain relief from: arthritis, cancer, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, fibromyalgia, and headaches to name a few.
These aren’t the only things hypnosis can help with. Check out 20 Things Hypnosis Can Genuinely Help You With for more details.
Time Management Hypnosis Using Tools Like Time Blocking
Time management can become a major issue, interfering with work and personal life balance, but with the help of hypnosis you can learn how to deal with your productivity barriers.
Harnessing The Subconscious: With hypnosis, your subconscious mind is tapped into in order to reprogram your belief systems and habits related to time management that is limiting you.
Overcome Procrastination and Self-Sabotage: Hypnosis can help you with your procrastination, self-doubt, and other related obstacles that may have been holding your productivity back. Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective techniques in fighting procrastination due to being able to identify and deal with underlying causes for the behaviour.
Time Blocking: A time management method where every single chunk of your day is scheduled. You are breaking your work week into tiny time spaces where you would check emails, work on a project, take a break, or stretch (or exercise).
Time blocking lets you get a better sense of where your time in fact goes. When you schedule chunks of work, you not only ensure completion of tasks, but that you’ve set aside time for self-care and rest.
Hypnosis Audios
How does audio hypnosis work? These recordings can be a great way to relax while receiving positive suggestions for an issue you are wanting help with. You wish to make a change, but willpower isn’t connected to your emotions.
Your mind learns with repetition, suggestions are repeatedly enforced each time you listen. The more you listen to the hypnosis recording the more the message becomes integrated in your everyday life. You could listen as part of your sleep routine each night before you go to sleep, for example, giving you a benefit of having a relaxed, better-quality sleep. I love a meditation first thing to get my day going.
Another positive of audio hypnosis is you can access them anywhere, and listen in the comfort and privacy of home, sitting curled up on the couch or laying cozied in bed.
It is preferable to work on one issue at a time for a more powerful result. Never listen while driving or doing another activity, and listen in a quiet place while sitting or laying down in comfort.
Is procrastination a prevalent part of your life? Why wait when you can start now with this exclusive audio? It’s here when you’re ready.
Do you have children who you think could use this tool? Hypnosis audios aren’t just for us adults; our kids have worries and issues too. If so, I can help. I’ve got Goodbye Worries, an audio for children (and adults too), supporting them when they’re unsure of how to deal with worries and anxiety.
New Year, New Hypnotherapy Session
If you’re having some trouble setting goals and you’re ready to take the plunge in trying hypnotherapy, I’m ready to help you with your goal setting needs.
If you are in need of further tips on how to start the new year strong, be sure to check out How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions.
And if you have any questions, and you wish to know more about how I can assist you in reaching your goals for the new year, book a free consultation with me, with no obligation.
Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Healing Soul Hypnosis and a clickable link back to this page.