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Hypnosis For Procrastination You Can Change Your Life, and Here's How | Healing Soul Hypnosis

Hypnosis For Procrastination: You Can Change Your Life, and Here’s How

I’d like for you to read the following scenario for a moment, and help paint this picture in your mind. It’s okay, it’s for a reason.

It’s a day off from work tomorrow, and you also have things that need to be done around the house. You set an alarm the night before, and get to bed at a decent time. However, your body says, “I’m exhausted,” and you sleep through your alarm. 

You wake up around mid-morning, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the stuff…that’s when you realize you slept through your alarm. Now you feel thrown off your scheduled plan you had for tackling the day. You’re still determined though, and proceed to make coffee, get something to eat, and look at your list of things that need to be done. After eating, you are full—with your body going, “things to do, um, how about resting instead?” 

You find yourself plunked on the couch with the TV, scrolling through every streaming service you’re subscribed to, even ones you were considering subscribing to. It’s now mid-afternoon, and you glance at your list of things to do. You consciously think, “Okay, I can tackle at least one thing on this list and feel accomplished.” 

You pick one thing to do on the list to start with, and even bring out the tools you need to do the thing. However, you’ve left the TV on, and something caught your attention, bringing you back to your cozy spot on the couch. Your determination has deteriorated, and procrastination has fully set in. 

By dinnertime, you still haven’t gotten that one thing on your list done. Your self-confidence has faded, and you go to bed feeling disheartened. 

Days turn into weeks, or even months. Goals from that list fall out of reach, and you feel your potential dwindling. You know you can do the most mundane of tasks… but you just can’t seem to focus or stay motivated. 

Sound familiar? 

Like many out there, you’re not alone. Procrastination affects everyone and it really doesn’t help that we live in a world where distraction is everywhere in the form of technology. 

Maybe you’re already aware that you procrastinate, and you may have tried different tactics to keep on task, downloaded this and that app online, and watched this video or that one on YouTube about the subject…and yet, still, nothing seems to work for you. 

It’s not hopeless though! You CAN change your life for the better, put an end to procrastination, and get back on the road to positivity and success. I can help with hypnosis. 

Before I get into that, it helps to know what procrastination is, reasons we procrastinate, and how hypnosis for procrastination can change your life. Let’s take a look together.

What is Procrastination and What are Reasons We Procrastinate?

When we put off or delay doing tasks, whether it be mundane chores or a big work/school assignment, we’re procrastinating. It can be due to avoiding negative feelings from past events. Or we may prefer doing things that make us happy in the moment, wanting that instant gratification, or seeking dopamine. 

So what is it that makes us so easily distracted?

It’s about our feelings.

Our feelings, such as fear or worry, are naturally built into us. Ages ago, our feelings used to help us survive dangerous situations, like with wild animals. Now, our dangers have changed, but our bodies still react similarly. 

Our feelings can lead us to procrastinate. When we know how our feelings affect us, it can help us to understand why we act and react the way we do.

When Procrastination is More than Putting Things Off

Thinking that procrastinating is only a way to avoid bad memories is too simple. Sometimes, it can be about obtaining comfort. It’s important to know when procrastination is more than just a habit, and more about our feelings.

Lack of Motivation

When your task is not naturally rewarding or enjoyable to you, it can be difficult to find motivation to see it through or even start it. It’s most common with mundane or repetitive tasks that don’t give us immediate gratification, aka the dopamine effect.

Fear of Failure

Procrastinating can be a defense mechanism in fearing failure. When we don’t start a task, we can avoid potential error or judgment from others, and thus our self-esteem is protected. Basically, if you don’t try, you won’t fail, according to our procrastination.


When you have a fear of creating less than perfect work, you may tend to procrastinate. Putting pressure on yourself to achieve an unrealistic high standard can overwhelm you so much it prevents you from starting the work in the first place.


When you are faced with large or complex tasks, the size of it can be overwhelming, which leads to procrastination as you struggle to figure out where to start. Or you believe this task requires a large, uninterrupted amount of time that you find extra difficult to schedule. 

Poor Time Management

Procrastination is often seen as a sign of poor time management skills. When you don’t have the ability to prioritize your tasks and effectively manage time, you can put off tasks until the last minute, which leads to stress and not the best work you could do.

Feelings vs. Logic

It is tough beating procrastination because our feelings overpower our logical thinking. Even if we’re aware of what we should do, our emotions may steer us toward something else. It shows how strong our feelings really are and why it’s hard using simple logic to attempt to stop procrastinating.

Are You Ready to Take the Plunge? Hypnosis for Procrastination Can Change Your Life

Hypnotherapy can delve deep within the subconscious mind to find the emotions behind the procrastination and seek out its root cause. Through hypnosis we can get our subconscious to align with our conscious goals, which leads to real and lasting change.

Through hypnotherapy, we can change how we respond emotionally and change our unhelpful habits into healthier ones. When we confront the emotions behind our procrastination, we can train ourselves to act over delaying, through hypnosis.

If you want to see how hypnotherapy can help you overcome procrastination and be more productive in your daily life, I’m here to help you. Hypnotherapy is more than just change; it’s how we can understand our inner selves and heal them of the things that no longer serve us. 

If you’re ready to take the plunge and try hypnotherapy for procrastination, please feel free to book a free consultation with me, with absolutely no obligation. We will discuss what your needs and concerns are so I can create a specific hypnotherapy plan for you. 

When dealing with procrastination, sometimes we can experience panic and anxiety attacks, especially if you are dealing with a deadline looming. If you or someone you know could use some help with panic and anxiety attacks, check out Using Hypnotherapy to Take Control of Panic Attacks and Anxiety.

And for any questions or concerns you may have about procrastination or about hypnotherapy in general, or you wish to go ahead and book a session, don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Healing Soul Hypnosis and a clickable link back to this page.