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How Hypnotherapy Can Help With These 5 Main Causes of Stress | Healing Soul Hypnosis

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With These 5 Main Causes of Stress

It is bad enough that there is stress in our lives, but to have stress that is hard to shake off is even more frustrating.

Here are the 5 main causes of stress and why they are hard to resolve:

1. Financial Problems

At some point many people are going to be stressed over money during the month. Even now, there are people continually struggling to pay bills and get by, whether or not they have some form of income coming in. 

Signs of financial stress are:

  • Being worried and feeling anxious over money
  • Money being a cause for arguments with loved ones
  • Guilt over spending money on non-essential things
  • Fear of mail or phone calls regarding your bills

Financial stress can take from months to years to dig out from. Overcoming this not only means dealing with the stress itself but also the financial problems that have led to this stress. Long-term physical symptoms of financial stress are a rise in blood pressure, headaches, upset stomach, chest pain, insomnia, and a general feeling of illness. It can also be linked to depression, anxiety, skin problems, diabetes, and arthritis.

2. The Job that Pays the Bills (And That’s All)

In this day and age, there are many who may be working more than one job to be able to pay the bills and put food on the table. Often, these people are feeling burned out by their work. During 2020’s pandemic, those who have had to continue working through it may have more hours they aren’t used to, pressures of added precautions and rules in place, and added nastiness of the general public, thanks to an overall anxiety of the unknown. 

Aside from the above, in general there are many things that can contribute to job stress including too much work, feeling insecure, not liking the job or career, and conflicts with boss and/or coworkers. Putting your job first has many effects in your life, including personal relationships and your mental and physical health. A person’s psychological make-up, general health, personal life, and amount of emotional support they receive outside of work also play a role in work stress. 

Signs of work-related stress include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Stomach problems
  • Heart palpitations
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

When feeling overwhelmed and struggle to cope, those with job stress may have behaviours such as:

  • Increased sick days
  • Drops in work performance
  • Problems with personal relationships
  • Diminished creativity and initiative
  • Reduced patience and raised frustration
  • Disinterest
  • Isolation 

3. Personal Relationships

At some point in our lives we will encounter toxic people and the stress that appears from these relationships can affect our physical and mental health. 

Relationship stressors include: 

  • Being too busy to be available for one another and share responsibilities
  • Intimacy and sex become rare—too busy, health problems, and any number of reasons
  • No communication
  • Too much alcohol and/or drug consumption
  • Divorce is on the mind
  • Abuse or control in the relationship 

The signs of stress are those like normal symptoms of general stress including physical health and sleep problems, depression, and anxiety. You might be trying to avoid your partner, have constant conflict, or become easily irritated when around them. 

Personal relationship stress can be related to our social media relationships, such as on Facebook. Social media tends to encourage making comparisons between yourself and others, which can lead to the stress of not feeling good enough. This makes for easy cyberbullying as well as further strain on your existing relationships.

4. Being a Parent

Parenting stress to date is usually caused by a demand in busy schedules including a job, household duties, and raising children on top of all that.

When a parent is stressed out, their feelings can be passed to the child when the parent becomes harsh, negative, and authoritarian while interacting. Parenting stress can decrease the quality and quantity of parent-child relationships. For example, lack of communication may cause your child to feel they can’t come to you for advice or concerns with problems, and you may find yourselves arguing often and avoiding each other.

Causes of parenting stress can include lower income, working long hours, single parenting, marital or relationship tensions, or raising a child with a behavioural disorder or developmental disability. 

5. The Chaos of Day-to-Day Living

Our daily inconveniences are our day-to-day stressors like misplacing keys, running late, or forgetting something at home. Though they are minor setbacks, if they happen frequently enough, they can all become a source of anxiety that affects your physical and psychological health. 

Most common is the stress of being too busy. Everyone is always on the go and in a rush to go nowhere. Sometimes it is the busyness of a second job, and other times it is guilt and not wanting to be a disappointment to others. This causes us to overlook our own basic needs like eating properly, exercising, and taking time to care for ourselves. 

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

If you are struggling with any one of these major causes of stress and you have already tried several different things without seeing desired results, hypnotherapy may be worth considering. By using certain tools to deal with the root causes, we can then address the physical symptoms of your stress and further use hypnosis techniques to deal with other symptoms you’re experiencing such as depression and anxiety. 

Hypnotherapy uses different relaxation techniques, which are key to helping lower stress levels. Such techniques include breathing exercises, visualization, and more.

Never hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Know you are not alone in your struggles, and yes, there are ways to alleviate the physical and mental aches and pains of your stress. 

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