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What is HypnoBirthing® -The Mongan Method? All About It | Healing Soul Hypnosis

What is HypnoBirthing® -The Mongan Method? All About It

HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is a natal hypnotherapy technique based off of the teachings Marie Mongan, creating a state where a woman is using her body as it was naturally intended in a peaceful birthing process.

It’s not only using hypnotic techniques and visualizations for the birthing mom in the process of birth but also it’s all the education that goes around giving birth. Examples include healthy eating, things that the mom can do to create a healthy baby, any things to be aware of as far as special circumstances, what practices are common in traditional medical hospitals, and things like that.

What is the Mongan Method?

The Mongan Method in particular uses hypnosis as a means to allow the mother to give birth without her reliance on using anaesthetic or drugs to relieve her from birthing pains. It was originally practiced and gradually introduced as a hypnosis technique by Marie Mongan (also known as “Mickey”). She gave birth to her four (now adult) children minus the use of anaesthetic or drugs in the late 50s and 60s, which back then was unheard of.

There’s a lot more information on HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method out there. Basically, what you’re doing is creating that relaxed state so that the woman can use her body in the natural way that she’s able to have birth without any interventions as long as there’s no special circumstances.

Is HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method Right for Me?

If you are pregnant, and this is the very first time you are going to have a baby, it is okay to feel a little lost and confused and even frightened of the birthing process. These are very natural, very rational thoughts to have since you are brand new to this stage of your life! If you are concerned about the effects of drug therapy and anaesthetic on your baby, but you also don’t want to have a painful birthing process, then HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method may benefit you.

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