About Belief: Some Personal Insight for Your Consideration
“Are you a “Sheeple” or am I the “Sheeple””?
I’d like to take a step back and really provide you with some insight that I hold very near and dear to my heart.
So, in the midst of all that is happening in the world right now, I find myself reflecting on beliefs.
We all know we have them, but do you really know what your beliefs are, and how they affect the way you interact with the world?
Did you know that we actually see things that validate what we already believe to be true? It’s called the law of concentrated attention. Remember when you bought that new car, and then it appeared that everyone had it? Or you picked that name for your child, and then everyone seemed to choose that same name? It’s because your perception has opened to seeing it everywhere.
Have you given any thought to how your upbringing has moulded you? Modeling has a profound impact on us up to the age of 7, and still up to 12-14 years the mind is so impressionable.
We are in deep hypnosis until the age of 7 and a lighter state up until approx. 12 years old. During this time, we form our beliefs, our understanding of the world, and our responses.
That doesn’t necessarily make them correct.
I enjoy learning. I hold education and learning as one of my highest values. I like to know all perspectives, even if they disagree with me. I value open mindedness. I like to continuously gather information. It’s like I store it away for reflection’s sake later.
Truth seeking is something that is done within yourself. You will never be able to go to one place to find all the information necessary to establish an “absolute truth”. Especially not now in a world where mainstream media is propaganda and social media is censored.
There is a difference between an “absolute truth” and a “relative truth”. An absolute truth is something that everyone knows to be true. It doesn’t change, for example, fire is hot or a tiger’s teeth are sharp. A relative truth is something you understand to be true such as a religious belief or other belief or opinion that only holds truth for some. If you get a chance to read the book “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” by Vishen Lakhiani, his chapter on “Brules” is brilliant and also explores these ideas in great depth.
When we all wander around so staunch in our beliefs, which essentially may or may not be true, and call other people “Sheeple,” it isn’t helping anyone or anything.
Have you considered opening up a dialogue, be curious, be open minded?
Learn. Educate yourself. Go down those rabbit holes. Read things that you know are true. Read things that make you feel upset and invoke a strong response.
It is in learning about why and how others come to their beliefs that we have the ability to raise human consciousness, to be accepting, to release our limiting beliefs, and to find the actual truth for us all!
Sending us all so much love and healing. God knows, we need it.