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Did you know that, including when we’re sleeping, per day we take approximately 20,000 breaths? How many of those breaths are we really conscious of? The human body is fascinating. We're always breathing in and out on our behalf, keeping the heart

Did you know hypnosis is from the Greek word, “Hypnos,” meaning to sleep? Throughout our history, many ancient healers and Shaman have used trance-like states of mind to assist in healing. Modern day hypnosis was created by 18th-century Austrian physician, Dr.

“Hoell, hwo aer yuo dinog taydo?”  Did you understand what this message is saying? At first your mind may think it doesn’t make sense, and yet I'm sure you know exactly what the message is saying.  What about these messages, however? “I’m worthless.”  “I'm

Getting to sleep and staying asleep is hard enough. But then add in that thing called breathing too and then you realize, "Oh, right. That’s also important while I'm asleep."  Maybe you have sleeping issues and in your case, you have

Have you or a loved one been feeling like your life seems chaotic? Have you or someone close to you noticed you’ve been using alcohol or other substances to numb any pain too frequently? Do you or someone you know

Let's say you've broken your friend’s favourite mug or said something to someone you regretted after the fact and they’re devastated. How do you feel when instead of blaming you, someone blames someone else for something you have done? Have

You’re trying to sleep, and then out of nowhere you start to stir. You're slightly conscious but there's one problem. You can’t talk, yet you’re trying to speak. You can’t move, yet you’re trying to wiggle your arms. There’s a

Have you been looking for help, and a way to heal? I'm with you. Perhaps you’re dealing with a bad habit you wish to break and find you just can’t do it on your own. Or maybe you’re going through

Everyone struggles with their bad habits in the past and right now, whether it's nail biting, hair chewing or twirling, and smoking for example.   What about forming good habits though? We never really seem to think about what they are and