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November 2021

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Before going into a panic, take a breather. Learning about mass formation can help to accomplish several things: understand how the mind works; to perhaps realize that you can get caught up in the societal mindlessness of certain subjects, and

If hypnotherapy has crossed your mind at one point or another but you just aren’t sure about it, let me put your mind at ease. From quitting smoking, to losing weight, to easing anxiety, to encouraging healthy habits and everything

Divorce can be difficult no matter the circumstance. Depending on what ended the relationship, your feelings may vary, including a sense of betrayal, rejection, bitterness, disappointment, anger, anxiety, or guilt.  Financial and legal issues may be an added strain onto physical,

Have you felt your child could use some positivity in their lives? Maybe boost their self-esteem? Sounds like SleepTalk® might be the right thing to try. Founder of the The SleepTalk® Institute and developed by Joane Goulding, educator and hypnotherapist, the

Have you noticed lately that you have been suffering from low iron? Or have you noticed that you have been suffering from anxiety? Or have you been really paying attention and seem to notice that you’ve been suffering from both?  Perhaps

“Confidence isn’t optimism or pessimism, and it’s not a character attribute. It’s the expectation of a positive outcome.” - Rosabeth Moss Kanter It's amazing how easily we are dragged down by our own thoughts, feeling like “I’m not good enough.” This

Hypnosis isn’t merely a stage trick you see on TV and in the movies that makes you do silly things. It can sincerely help you with real life problems. The following points are particularly worth knowing: No one can be hypnotized

No, we are not talking about a quick fix or fad diet or big weight loss program here. We are talking about completely changing your health and lifestyle in a safe, positive way. Many of us have tried over and over

Trauma is not something we ever want to deal with in our lives. Unfortunately, it does happen. The memories of such events can be extremely painful to deal with. Our brain tends to work as a coping mechanism and store

Have you experienced something that seemed like a strange dream yet felt so real? Something from your past, perhaps? I am not talking about your current life; I'm talking about the feeling of experiences in earlier lives you have had