Parasomnias: What Are They and How Can Hypnosis Help?
Sleep. We all need it to fully function properly. However, some people just aren’t getting quite the rest they need. If your sleep is suffering and you're having a lot of nightmares and night terrors, it's possible you may have
12 Ways to Help Lower Your Child’s Stress and Anxiety
As adults and parents, we often forget or fail to realize that children can get stressed out or anxious too. When we think they are simply misbehaving they really could be dealing with something deeper. Children don’t always know how
Everything You Wanted to Know About Hypnotherapy as a Career
Have you ever wanted to do more with your life career-wise? Are you struggling to find a job where you can help as many people as you possibly can? Do you want to offer people more than just a prescription
“Mom, Dad, Meet Hypnotherapy”: How to Introduce Hypnosis to Loved Ones
Although it is growing more as a legitimate means of treatment, hypnotherapy is still considered to be a foreign concept to many. There are those who still see hypnosis as a mere parlour trick to make people cluck like chickens
Waking Hypnosis: What It Is and Why You Need to Know About It
Did you know there is a kind of hypnosis which is called "waking hypnosis" and it is the most dangerous kind? What is Waking Hypnosis? We are in and out of hypnosis about 100-120 times a day. Any time we watch TV,
Hypnotherapy for the Business Owner’s Mind
There are many tools and rituals that entrepreneurs and those in business use to stay focused and get ahead. Bet you didn’t know that Winston Churchill used to work from his bed each morning, while President Harry Truman would take
12 Signs You Have a Spiritually Gifted Child
Did you know children are in hypnosis until the age of 7, and to a certain degree 12-14 years? Children and teens alike can be exceptionally sensitive to the outside world. Some of them may possess what is called an
What is Burnout? 5 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help
Do you feel exhausted even trying to perform the simplest tasks? Does everything that normally relaxes you end up further stressing you out? Are you trying to balance out several jobs all at once? Today, people of all ages are struggling
Struggled Enough with Weight Loss? Try the Virtual Gastric Band Program
Have you tried almost everything out there for weight loss with the only result being frustration? I know being forced to stay inside for most of 2020 has certainly added to that sense of frustration in many ways. I'm also