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Did you have a fight with your partner recently? Have things between you two felt tense, or just awkward? We as people are complicated human beings. Having a relationship in the best of times isn’t easy, let alone during the worst

Has your child been told that you don’t show up for them even though you do? Has your child been told that you put a “new family” first? Is your child being made to choose sides in a separation? Has your ex-partner been

Do you personally know or live with anyone who is especially inconsiderate and selfish? On the other hand, do they appear seemingly delightful and friendly? Are you constantly being put down, dismissed, blamed for issues, and compelled to feel everything

Allow me to be real for a moment. I want everyone who is reading this post to understand something.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. We're in and out of hypnosis 100 to 120 times a day naturally. We're consistently and constantly giving our own