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You’ve gotten out of or managed to escape a toxic relationship. You should be so proud of yourself!  However, with anything traumatic, there are war wounds. For example, feeling scared to go grocery shopping because you may be confronted by your

New Year’s Resolutions, anyone? For some people, it's frustrating being asked if you have made any resolutions or goals for the new year.  Why? Well, for one, we make these goals only to crash and burn partway through the year. For

I'd like for you to read the following scenario for a moment, and help paint this picture in your mind. It's okay, it's for a reason. — It’s a day off from work tomorrow, and you also have things that need to

There's no sugarcoating it: the world has been completely turned on its head since 2020. The pandemic has taken its toll on many people; loved ones and jobs have been lost, and we've all gone through anxiety, grief, and various

Sex: A very natural act of procreation and pleasure that occurs between consenting adults. Pornography: The cinematography of sex in a not as natural, very staged way (usually). There is nothing wrong with watching or even liking a little pornography now and

Are you finding your grocery bill keeps rising, even though what you buy stays the same? Are you worried about how you’re going to be able to eat if it keeps going up? Are you dealing with some debt issues with

Are you finding barriers between you and your professional goals? What lies between where you are and where you wish to be in your business? What is holding you back from obtaining these goals and getting to where you wish

Do these situations sound familiar to you right now? Situation 1: Your partner says they’re working late, you think nothing of it. Meanwhile, they’ve met someone, and instead of working late, they are out with this person. They may or may

Menopause. That time when women say, “Hooray! No more periods!” However, there's also the hot flashes and night sweats… Between ages 45-55, the average “reaching” age being 51, many women will experience menopause. About one in one hundred women may experience

It can be a darkness that digs a hole through the middle of your body and cocoons itself there to hibernate.  It can release itself into the world as a great sadness, causing you to become one with your bed or