Eliminate Anxiety
Please note that this is the second session for the Eliminate Anxiety Group Hypnosis Program.
Registration for this program is now closed.
Stay tuned for new details and sessions.
The world is still in the grip of a global pandemic. Living in uncertain times creates thoughts of worry and fear. This can be difficult to cope with.
You might be feeling worried, or you’re find it challenging to keep those anxious thoughts in check.
People who have never experienced anxiety before are finding themselves dealing with negative thoughts.
I have news to share with you: you CAN learn to live with uncertainty!
Understanding the mind and body connection is key when retraining your brain.
The mind cannot distinguish the difference between a real threat or a perceived threat. The result is that the primitive brain takes over and triggers the primitive survival instinct “Fight or Flight.”
This hypnosis program will help you:
Become aware of the negative thought patterns.
Recognize your worry story.
Understand the mind/body connection.
Recognize the need to stay out of fight or flight.
Learn techniques to remain present and calm.
Each participant will receive a supporting recording.