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The Goulding Process – SleepTalk®

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The Goulding Process - SleepTalk® | Hypnosis for Children Program | Healing Soul Hypnosis The Goulding Process SleepTalk® is currently only being offered privately and through Zoom. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Has your child been exhibiting challenging behaviour? Are they learning to cope with a behavioural disorder such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?

Behavioural issues of all kinds are a real challenge for any parent, especially since there’s usually no single solution to address them. Furthermore, negative behaviour on the child’s part is rarely intentional, and is usually related to some other difficulty your child may be facing or dealing with.

Some of the most common behavioural challenges that parents look to address are:

  • Extreme hyperactivity
  • Frequent nervousness and agitation
  • Separation anxiety
  • Low confidence
  • Problems with the cycle of bullying
  • Aggression with siblings, adults, and other kids
  • Frequent bed-wetting, nail-biting, or other bad habits
  • Problems with learning new habits (eg. toilet-training, healthy eating habits, etc.)

The good news? There is hope for your child.

Enter SleepTalk®

The Goulding Process – SleepTalk® is a time-tested, specialized training program recognized by the IACT. It addresses difficult behaviour in children and allows parents to reconnect with their kids without the help of traditional behavioural therapy. Having seen over 45 years of use with parents worldwide, SleepTalk® could be exactly the thing you need to help your child find a new balance in their lives.

However, something to keep in mind is that children with behavioural challenges aren’t the only ones who can benefit from SleepTalk®. It can be equally valuable for children who are well-adjusted and well-behaved, but perhaps just need a little help to reach their full potential. No matter the situation, SleepTalk® has the power to benefit your child, and in turn, your family.

How Does SleepTalk® Work?

The Goulding Process is not a catch-all cure for illnesses and behavioural disorders, but it is a proven way to improve your child’s confidence, outlook, and happiness, which in turn will improve their behaviour.

The process is broken up into three main phases, each meant to address a different aspect of a child’s behaviour.

Phase 1: The Foundation

Everyone needs to start somewhere, and with SleepTalk®, it begins with a foundation to build from. This step is dedicated to examining and overcoming the core issues your child might be facing. This could be deep-seated anxiety, lack of confidence, or low self-esteem. The main goal of this foundational step is to identify what makes your child happy, and identify the next steps on helping them to unlock and reconnect with that inner joy.

Phase 2: The Bridge

This step focuses on more general outward behaviour and characteristics, such as poor habits, (nail-biting, bed-wetting, etc.) aggression, temper tantrums, and difficulties with separation anxiety. By identifying these behaviours, parents can in turn learn to address them, and eventually overcome them. This step is called The Bridge as it acts as the connector between the lessons from the first step, and your family’s more specific goals.

Phase 3: Specific Statements

This phase is all about directly addressing the challenges that led you to SleepTalk® in the first place. With all the foundational work complete, you and your child can work on correcting particular behaviours and problems. This can include issues with speaking and communicating, eating, toilet-training, and sleeping. This step is especially valuable for autistic children as well as kids with OCD, ODD, and ADHD.

Focusing on Positivity

Something we might forget about as parents is that every observable issue in a child originates from some belief or emotion inside. Rather than simply fixing problematic behavior at a surface level, SleepTalk® addresses the root cause with productive positivity in order to achieve a holistic balance in your child. When you start at the bottom of negative behaviour, everything else tends to fall into place.

As you probably know, one of the most important ways we impact our children’s confidence is through the way we speak to them. Using positive language and frequently encouraging your child is one of the best ways to build your child up, which is why SleepTalk® focuses on positive reinforcement and speech as one of its central pillars.

Get Started Today

Once parents have gotten the hang of the basics of SleepTalk®, the process only takes a few minutes a night—and the results can be amazing. Watch as your child becomes happier, more positive, and more comfortable in their own skin, all while building positive habits and forming newfound connections with others.

If you’re ready to turn over a new leaf in addressing behavioural issues with your child, or you’re simply looking to help them unlock their full potential, consider getting started with SleepTalk®. As someone who is trained in using SleepTalk®, I’ve served many families looking to overcome problems of all kinds, allowing them to reconnect and truly transform their lives.

Packages for Parents

My SleepTalk® Program for parents can be done two ways.

The Full Package (Phase 1, 2 & 3) which is $795.00 and this is done over approximately 6 months with a final check in.

The SleepTalk Single Phase (can be Phase 1, 2, or 3) is $350.00.

The SleepTalk® Full Package includes:

  • First Initial Consultation 60 mins
  • Second Initial Consultation “The Foundation” Session for Parents- Approx 90 minutes
  • Third Consultation “The Bridge” (approx 8-12 weeks later)- Approx 60 minutes
  • Fourth Consultation “The Specific” (approx (8-12 weeks later)-Approx 60 minutes
  • Final Feedback Consultation (approx 4-6 months later)- Approx 60 minutes
  • Follow up weekly emails during the program.

The SleepTalk® Single Phase includes:

  • First Initial Consultation 60 mins
  • Second Initial Consultation “The Foundation” Session for Parents- Approx 90 minutes
  • Final Feedback Consultation (approx 12 weeks later)- Approx 60 minutes
  • Follow up emails.

Inquire About SleepTalk®

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