Quit Smoking Forever in 1 Session
Lifetime Guarantee
95% success rate
Tried & True Hypnotherapy
Helps you quit smoking forever in 1 session…guaranteed!
Online via Zoom or In Person
Imagine becoming a non-smoker after just one day of discovering hypnosis. Imagine the feeling of no cravings, no extra weight gain, and no feeling that you’re missing out.
How good will that feel to you?
It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried to quit before, or what other things you’ve tried to use in the past. It doesn’t matter how many cigarettes your smoke, or how long you’ve been a smoker.
If you’re tired of being ruled by an old pattern, if you’re ready to quit forever, I can help you get on that path to a better lifestyle today!

Why It’s So Hard to Quit
Do you know why people can’t seem to quit smoking? It’s usually begun as a means to feel confident, to fit in, or to relieve stress. The triggers associated to smoking can vary from peer pressure to anxiety.
It doesn’t help that many other means of quitting are similar to that of dieting: you understand that you want to be a healthier person, but there’s a severe disconnect between your conscious and your subconscious way of thinking.

Why It’s So Hard to Quit
Do you know why people can’t seem to quit smoking? It’s usually begun as a means to feel confident, to fit in, or to relieve stress. The triggers associated to smoking can vary from peer pressure to anxiety.It doesn’t help that many other means of quitting are similar to that of dieting: you understand that you want to be a healthier person, but there’s a severe disconnect between your conscious and your subconscious way of thinking.
Success Rate of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and Physical Means of Quitting
It is true that NRTs such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, etc. increase the rate of quitting by 50 to 70%1. However, several studies have realized that its success rate is as little as 8%; as well, there’s an expected 30% relapse rate for smokersundergoing NRT in the long-term2.
In contrast, while further research is still ongoing, current studies show there is a 90%+ success rate for smoking cessation using hypnosis3.
Not to mention, there’s one thing all these other methods such as nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges have in common: they do not address the mental and psychological parts of why it’s so hard to quit.
They don’t address the psychology of your addiction, nor your desire to want to smoke, nor the belief that you’re ‘giving something up’.
Hypnotherapy addresses these psychological aspects completely. By using hypnosis, I can help you identify your triggers, figure out the ‘why’ behind your smoking addiction, and ultimately lead you on the right track to quitting smoking for good.
This session is not the same as simply applying a nicotine patch and calling it a day. It is a process driven by you, who genuinely wants to quit smoking forever, with great long-term results after one session.
If you are tired of continuing to attempt to quit smoking, only to return to that vicious cycle when stress hits or a social event happens; if you want to do the work and quit for good; then quit smoking forever through hypnosis today.
Live your life free from cigarettes.
Enjoy breathing in the beautiful fresh air of freedom as a non-smoker.
1 NRTs increase the rate of quitting by 50 to 70%. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5003586/
2 Research indicates that a 30% relapse rate is to be expected. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-017-4586-z
3 Smoking Cessation has a clinical success rate of 90.6% as shown in this study from University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7862796/
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