Alcohol Reduction Group Hypnosis
“Alcohol Reduction” is a remarkable one-of-a-kind hypnosis program. The program uses clinical hypnotherapy to create a different perspective of our habits and beliefs surrounding alcohol consumption.
Maybe you wonder if you drink too much? Perhaps you have had a night or two when you drank more than you wanted. Have people made comments about your drinking habits? In a society that actively promotes drinking it’s hard to define what is drinking too much. You don’t need to be the homeless person on the side of the road drinking out of a paper bag to wonder if you are losing control over alcohol.
Alcohol is a highly addictive substance. The way the brain responds to alcohol is powerful. But you don’t have to let it control you entirely.
This program is focused on:
- Reducing consumption
- Alcohol-free nights
- Understanding the effects of alcohol on the brain and body
- Create new healthier habits
- Freeing yourself from the addictive cycle
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